Monday, September 13, 2010

The Super Power that beats the rest

     Super powers are so different from each other some can be flying ,super strength, and reading minds. However their is one that beats the rest and leaves the others in its dust. This power would be the one I would choose and its shape shifting. Shape shifting has no limit to what it can do unlike teleporting for example, the only thing someone can do is go place to place. How boring is that. If I could shape shift I would turn into so many different people, and their is so many different times when I could use it. For example if I was playing a football game and the other team is winning then I could shape shift into a professional football player and destroy the competition. Also as i always have known no one can trust their brothers and sisters in their room. So i would shape Shift into a lamp and watch over my room for them trespassing. I know in my life as a kid their was always something that someone else has that i really wanted to play with, like the the red fire truck with the light up sirens and the hose that actually squirted out water that my friend Tim always had. I would shape shift into him and sneak into his toy bin and play with it all day long and never get in trouble for playing with it. There is so many things to do even educational ones. I could shape shift into the smartest kid in the class and then be able to use big words like cornucopia, and flabbergasted and write them in my paragraphs. So in the end If i had this power I would never be bored and stumped on ideas to do with it. This is the best power and it does beat the rest,  but if only i had this ability so i can prove to the rest of people who still thinks super strength is still surpeior.