Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Smelly kid

          Kids spend more than 720 unwilling days in high school. I can't think of a better way for kids and their confidence building. You have your kids who show up that think their is nothing worse, and more than a waste of time than going to school.The kids who think that they are the "cool cats" of society that know they are better than everyone else. So nothing could be better than making your kid go so school and spend their day if these kids. When a kid comes to school with his brand new ant farm, with glow and the dark lights and shows the cool kids. Nothing is better for confidence than when they point and laugh and tell their friends and then text the rest of the school, within hours the whole student body knows. Of coarse the ant farm never makes it home, but ends up in the school's garbage can. You know that the kid went room with less confidence and self respect. I applause these kids of the "cool cats" clang with a inspiring clap. You think to yourself what else can these kids do to benefit your sons or daughter's education. Well in class kids get the privilege of working in pairs. How great is that. Anyways the teacher will let the kids decide and what happens, all the "cool cats" go with each other and most likely a couple of them wouldn't be there due to reasons that would make them skip, so they would have to pair up with the acne and smelly kids. Wow what a tough life, I feel horrible for them. So well the smelly kid does the work, the "cool cat" sits and talks to his friends and aspects for the work to get done. When the teacher collects it, they would both put their name on it and not asked how much work they put in. So the marks come back, and of coarse it lacks the brain storming of ideas. Who's fault is this? well don't worry its the smelly kids. The "cool cat" will get angry and complain to the teacher about the work his partner did, and will most likely get the sympathy card, and get a chance to redo it. But don't worry the its not 2012 the "cool cat" won't end up doing the work, the smelly kid will. So when he has to redo it and then get the same mark the next day, you just know that he will be riding on high of confidence from all the positive feedback. So 720 days seem tough but believe me your kid is being like a "cool cat" and is doing a great job in class and is a great role model to the class.

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