Friday, October 15, 2010

Not So Perfect Marriage

     "Honey look they're having the biggest sale day at the Art Foundation store!",stated George with a overwhelming smile.

     Mary shrieked back,"Oh here we go again, don't you ever learn?"

     "Learn what?, this sale could change our lives"

"Time after time you go out on these sale, thinking that your going to find the next big time painting to sell and you never do," explained Mary, " find anything and it just wastes our money when you buy waste of time paintings"

      George muttered back," That's not true I''m going to find one, and when I do its going to put this family on the map"

     "Oh George give it a rest," remarked Mary, "my mother was right about you, I should have listened to her and divorced you a long time ago".

      " Well go on then, leave me, I'll just give your part of the money to our dog Russ." replied George with a greedy smile now on his face.

     " Then have a good life George, I'll be moving in with my mother"

 Mary left the next morning and George never ever saw her again or never brought a waste of time painting again.

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