Monday, November 1, 2010

Their must be a other way!

       Where is that no good waste of a man, "he just opened a can of worms" shouted curley."Please curley cool your jets you know Lenny, He ain't that bright" says george. Curley runs up to geroge yelling "put a cork in it","You and I both know Lenny has been cruisin' for a bruisin"."Hold your horses curley your going bananas","Get a grip of on yourself". Don't get as mad as a hatter at him he didn't mean to do it. It was just a accident. "To tell you the truth George there's a sucker born every minute and well Lenny is that sucker" screamed Curley laughing igorantly. George gets a last bit of strength and yells at Curley "can't you just bury the hatchet with it, You and I both know he is as strong as a ox and will mess up your hand agian". "Well I don't give a toss" shouted Curley. And all the men go up the hill to hunt down Lenny.

1 comment:

  1. 4 of 4 assignments complete. Choose a larger font in the future, please. Some of the film review is obscurred, but I can see enough to get the idea. Focus on the actor, rather than the plot. Reasonable detail for each. Mechanics are quite good, but still needs a bit of proofreading. Look at the title of this blog for example. 37/48
