Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dear college of exellence

             My name is Riley MacAulay. I am a curious man. Artistic enough to make the Roman Colosseum out Popsicle sticks. Eat a whole ten bounds of bacon. I have been the Governor of all 57 states. Play Beethoven's sympathy well texting. I read the whole dictionary in one sitting, helped write the decoration of Independence,and speak using a existent language. Able to stick my tongue to a frozen flag pole and rip it off within seconds. Kill a cheetah with a jar of jam and a twig. I am Iron Man. Been the chosen one and able to destroy the Sith and bring order to the force. Made a genie give me four wishes instead of three. I have been around the world in 79 days and not 80. My face was originally on Rushmore Mountain. I'm the fifth Ninja Turtle. Drank four litres of milk within the hour and not vomited. Caught someone falling out of a burning building. I kissed a girl and I liked it. I broke up with one girl and then dated her three sisters after. I never have been caught cheating. Came up with the cure of cancer but lost it in a fight with Darth Vader. On Monday I flew a jet to Hong Kong and back, Tuesday I stopped a terrorist attack,Wednesday I wrote Obama's health care speech. I eat the whole apple even the core. I have watched all lord of the rings movies in one sitting,climb Mount Everest.,been shot by a tank and walked it off. I'm Batman. Riley Macaulay a simple man with many talents. However i still seek a college education. I am the chosen one for your college

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